Personal Purpose and Vision Email Coaching (eCoaching)

Click here to sign up for Personal Purpose and Vision eCoaching that will positively influence the rest of your life.

Personal purpose and vision email coaching (eCoaching) works because it guides you through the steps to change your life using a tool (email) that you already use. Most people can find the time during their week to answer some questions and send an email. You will be given a workbook with questions that will help you identify what is most important to you, and to create a plan to start living that life. An eCoach provides you the support and accountability to stay on track and begin actions to start living the life you most desire.

Daily life is demanding. If you are like most people, you go about daily life with minimal thought about whether this is how you want to live. It can be difficult to take the time to know what is most important and decide what you want to be doing in the future.

However, once you take the time to decide what your priorities are, and create a vision, your life will begin moving in that direction. The turning point is taking the time to determine what you want. When you create a vision, you take an active role in predicting how your life will be. Without a vision, you leave yourself open for chance or others to control your destiny.

This does not mean that what you desire will appear out of thin air. Rather, with your purpose and vision written down you will have greater awareness of resources and opportunities that will assist you in fulfilling your vision. Your most important task in this process is simply to find the time to determine what you want. Personal purpose and vision email coaching (eCoaching) is a way to make this happen.

Click here to sign up for Personal Purpose and Vision eCoaching.

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